Post by Dmitriy on Jul 7, 2013 13:40:21 GMT -5
I have aspire 5739G, is heated very strongly. The ini settings are necessary for me that the fan rotated constantly on the maximum turns.
Post by budwar65 on Nov 10, 2013 9:52:25 GMT -5
Working ini for CPU AMD A6-3400M First of all, thanx for the great software, Took a while to understand the basics, but it was worthed. Now I have working fan and I can change my fan speeds. Ok, I took ACFanControl.ini that came with ACFanControl v.71b and modify it with ACFanControl.ini from trandoanhung1991. Now I start ACFanControl with manual setup 2, which gives me by the AIDA64 around 3400 RPM, there is the turbo Smart setup with 4800 RPM and BIOS with 2400 RPM. I hope this is help to someone......... Attachments:
Post by friedmi on Jan 4, 2014 5:14:56 GMT -5
I have Acer Aspire 8951G. Could anybody share a working ini file for this model??
Thx michael
Post by jayakumarpiyer on Nov 19, 2014 23:15:01 GMT -5
Hello Troubadix, how about Sony Vaio notebooks? You would definitely make very, very many people *very* happy. I would even bet, that enough people would donate. Especially the F13 series are very nice, very powerful, have very good displays - but a f* annoying fan. In idle mode it just spins far too fast. There is nice "hack" to throttle the fan: press a key and keep a finger on the touchpad - so there *must* be a way to control the fan. Unfortunately there is no known program to do so. I just tried ACFanControl, changed the BIOS hand-over temperature in the .ini and after trying some manual modes, I managed to crash Windows. So it worked, somehow Maybe just other register values in the .ini would help, but I have really no idea where to start. Best regards, Karsten
Post by jayakumarpiyer on Nov 19, 2014 23:37:11 GMT -5
Hello Troubadix, how about Sony Vaio notebooks? You would definitely make very, very many people *very* happy. I would even bet, that enough people would donate. Especially the F13 series are very nice, very powerful, have very good displays - but a f* annoying fan. In idle mode it just spins far too fast. There is nice "hack" to throttle the fan: press a key and keep a finger on the touchpad - so there *must* be a way to control the fan. Unfortunately there is no known program to do so. I just tried ACFanControl, changed the BIOS hand-over temperature in the .ini and after trying some manual modes, I managed to crash Windows. So it worked, somehow Maybe just other register values in the .ini would help, but I have really no idea where to start. Best regards, Karsten \ I Have tried AC fan control on SONY vaio vgn-cr353 and found working good , initially temperature reported was not matching with one reported by right mark cpu utility , i have made some changes in .ini file , (SensorOffset1=9 SensorOffset2=9 //SensorOffset3=0 //SensorOffset4=2 //SensorOffset5=1 //SensorOffset6=5 //SensorOffset7=5 //SensorOffset8=4 //SensorOffset9=3 //SensorOffset10=2 //SensorOffset11=1 //SensorOffset12=5 ShowBiasedTemps=1 ) now it is accurate temperatur report error diff max+2 in comparisson to right mark cpu utility earlier it was a difference of +30 degree , ini configured to start on smart mode , ACFanControl.ini (12.57 KB) SmartModeExit temp ==55
Post by john flip on May 24, 2015 12:05:01 GMT -5
hey first of all i wanna thank you for making this program.This thing is actually the only program that speeds up my fan.But i have a small problem. I get it to manuel mode and increase the fanspeed.But after some time it just switches back to smartmode automatically and my laptop starts to overheat again.I dont wanna go and make it manuel every five minutes.What am i doing wrong?Thanks in advance
Post by Marius on Jun 7, 2015 13:19:07 GMT -5
Anybody have the .ini for Extensa 5635zg ? I want to higher the fan speed for every level . Thank you!.
Post by Showfem on Jan 24, 2019 8:03:38 GMT -5
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Post by Gloroma on Apr 20, 2019 14:44:44 GMT -5
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Post by Gloroma on May 14, 2019 4:53:33 GMT -5
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Post by bbzGloroma on May 19, 2019 11:16:06 GMT -5
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